I'm sorry for the lack of an update but it's been busy for me lately and no news is good news, right?! Well, we do have good news. Dad is scheduled to come home Saturday after his last physical therapy session and he is now walking without a walker! I talked to him today on the phone and he sounded really good, he's looking forward to coming home. They want someone to stay with him for the first part of the week, just to make sure he's ok at home on his own with me and Mom working now during the day. My hunnie Jr. is able to be here during the day on Monday and Tuesday so we're happy about that.
Thank you all for your caring and kind words. It means so much.
Michele,What wonderful news.I sent some E/M's to your dads house.Hope some will give him a chuckle.
Hello everyone! My name is Gina, I am one of the nurses caring for Mr. Simons. I promised him that I would jump on here and leave a little note to you all.
From a nursing point of view, Mr. Simons is recovering well and very quickly. LIke you read in the blog, he was walking around the facility halls without a walker and his gait was very steady. It's a wonderful thing to see, seeming he was laying in bed most of the day watching his TV. I personally took care of his staples located on the top of his head. I have to say, that the site is healing up well, and there are no signs and symptoms of infection noted. I can't go into too much detail but know that he should be back to his daily living in no time. He is a great guy with a great sense of humor. But I am sure you already knew that.
Thank you all for giving my the opportunity to write on his blog as well as choosing us to take care of Mr. Simons.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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