Sunday, April 02, 2006

Well, Dad didn't get the catheter out last week as he hoped. They tried but he couldn't go and it's too dangerous to leave him like that, so it went back in. He was bummed about that but then he came home and really perked up, he was doing well.

But....he's back in the hospital. They took him about 20 minutes ago. He woke up this a.m. and he was different, he could hardly speak, he seemed really weak, he told Mom he could barely life the remote with his better right hand and if he can hardly move the remote you know something is wrong. Mom tried calling his insurance to ask what to do, no response, she called the hospital, they said to bring him in, but he didn't think he could get out of bed and we weren't sure we could get him to the car, the hospital said to call 911 which we did. His breathing was good. He was upset that he had to put us through this again....we don't care about that, we just want him well.

Friday he was so well that he spent parts of the day alone. He was getting up to go to the bathroom and walking well with his walker. And I have to say a big THANK GOD FOR GOOD NEIGHBORS! Mr.C came down before I left for work and stayed with him until about noon, sometimes leaving to go home and check on his wife, and then our other neighbor Mrs. K came over for the afternoon, made him lunch, etc. She also had to leave for awhile, but he was fine. We're very fortunate. The church came and gave him communion this a.m. too, so I'm sure he felt good about that.

I'll hopefully know more later.


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